このサイトについて/ this site

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このサイトはシロクマ(polar bear)が大大大好きな私が世界のクマ達のニュースをお届けするWEBマガジンです。
Polare Bearie(ポーラーベアリー)というのはかわいい polar bear という意味の私が作った造語です。



Hi! I’m organiser “Anchobi“.I’m Japanese.
This site is the web magazine of bears news in the world,posted by me adoring bears.
“Polar Bearie” is a word meaning “cute and adorable polar bear” coined by me.
We can get many news in Canada,Alaska,Greenland,Russia,and Norway,because they live in the circumpolar north in areas.

I try translate Japanese news into English,and English news into Japanese for as many as possible people who love bears.I want to you have a fun here.

Of course, I’ll post bears news in the zoo.